Under the guise of “restoration”, the Surb Ghazanchetsots (Holy Saviour) is being turned into a mosque

In the occupied territories of Artsakh, Azerbaijan continues the policy of destruction and appropriation of Armenian culture. The main target is the historic Armenian city of Shushi, which, in 2023, Azerbaijanis plan to declare the “capital of the Turkic world”.

Recording the steps of the Azerbaijanis in Shushi both during the war and after it, we can say that the main target in Shushi is the church of Surb Amenaprkich Ghazanchetsots (Holy Savior).

Earlier, we reported that Azerbaijanis have started “restoration works” as the Azerbaijani propaganda machine claims to restore the “real look” of the church.

The church of Surb Ghazanchetsots in Shushi after the occupation

In a photo of the church of Surb Ghazanchetsots in Shushi posted recently on social media, we can see that on the territory of the church, works of elimination of all traces of Armenian culture, distortion and alteration of the Armenian architectural composition of the church are being continued.

The church of Surb Amenaprkich Ghazanchetsots in 1911

Until now, the dome of the church is still missing. Even the parts of the church damaged as a result of Azerbaijani shelling have not been renovated yet, although it could be done already. The Azerbaijani side has not done anything to resolve this issue.

All this once again proves that the steps of Azerbaijan are not aimed at “restoring” the church they damaged. They pursue the goal of destroying Armenian culture in the territories of Artsakh by all possible means, with the help of false theses.

Ghazanchetsots church during pogroms of Armenians in Shushi in 1920, the dome of the church is missing

Recall that the dome of the church of Surb Amenaprkich was damaged during the pogroms of Armenians in Shushi in 1920 and was renovated according to the preliminary architectural plan after the liberation of the city. The church of Ghazanchetsots was twice bombed during the war unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh in 2020.

Even after a century, Azerbaijan continues to struggle against the church of Ghazanchetsots.

The church of Surb Amenaprkich Ghazanchetsots before the war in 2020, photo by Helicon Filter
The church of Surb Amenaprkich Ghazanchetsots after the Azerbaijani side bombed it twice on October 8, 2020

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